OKC Thunder attracts state investment: New bill may benefit team with millions annually


KOKH— With the OKC Thunder set to tip off on Wednesday night, state lawmakers looked into ways to invest more into the team.Senate President Pro Tem Greg Treat's HB3

www.theyeshivaworld.com—New Jersey is Motivating Telecommuters to Appeal Their New York Tax Bills. Connecticut May Be Next. Telecommuting, a pandemic-era novelty that has become a permanent alternative for many people, has some Connecticut and New Jersey employees of New York-based companies questioning why they still have to pay personal income tax to the Empire State. Their home states are wondering as well. Fed up with losing out on hundreds of millions of […]

KEYT—New Jersey is motivating telecommuters to appeal their New York tax bills. Connecticut may be next. New Jersey is motivating telecommuters to appeal their New York tax bills. Connecticut may be next

The Independent—New Jersey is motivating telecommuters to appeal their New York tax bills. Connecticut may be next. New Jersey is incentivizing taxpayers who work from home for New York based employers to sue New York in court for taxing their wages