NFL owners set to bring in new teammates: Private equity

by Fortune

Fortune— Groups of private equity investors may soon be allowed to buy as much as 30% of National Football League franchises.

NBC Sports—NFL could let owners sell up to 30 percent of teams to private equity funds. The NFL is moving closer to grabbing cash from private equity funds. According to, the quarterly meetings held later this...

Bangor Daily News—Bangor sets deadline for Airbnb owners to comply with new city rule. Bangor has already received roughly 30 applications for short-term rental licenses after opening an online portal last Friday.

BroBible—The NFL May Let Private Equity Firms Purchase A Stake In Teams And Fans Should Be Worried. As things currently stand, there aren’t many investments that guarantee the kind of return you’re going to get if you own an NFL team. There is a major barrier to entry when you consider ownership is reserved for obscenely rich individuals, but that could change thanks to a potentially disastrous proposal to welcome private equity […]