NBC's Alba Wrongly Hints Columbine Mass Shooters Bought Guns Legally

by NewsBusters

NewsBusters— In a few appearances on Thursday afternoon, NBC News White House correspondent Monica Alba helped spread misinformation about there being a link between gun shows and school shootings as she promoted President Joe Biden's latest push to require unlicensed gun dealers to do background checks on buyers. MSNBC afternoon host Chris Jansing set up a segment on the issue and asked Alba to explain how the President's move was to "fill a loophole." "And, Chris, we know all too well there are horrible...

Big Think—25 years since Columbine: We're closer to decoding mass-shooter psychology. At roughly 11:19 a.m. on April 20, 1999, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold emerged from their vehicles in the parking lots of Columbine High School. Clad in black trench coats, they started strolling toward the school entrance. Klebold lobbed a pipe bomb. Then the duo brandished guns and started shooting. Armed with a TEC-9 semi-automatic pistol, two shotguns, a carbine, as well as dozens of pipe bombs and mounds of ammunition in a bag they were lugging, the two were out to...

The Nation—25 Years After the Columbine Massacre, Is There Any Hope to End America’s Epidemic of Gun Violence?. Peter Dreier With the National Rifle Association now weaker than it has been in decades, progress is possible—if politicians are willing to seize the time.

PJ Media—Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Praised Covenant Shooter. Andrea Ye, 18, who pretends to be a man named Alex,