National voter registration group slams Arkansas's decision to ban electronic signatures

by Arkansas Times

Arkansas Times— is fighting similar restrictions in Florida and Georgia, and the group vowed to fight the Arkansas decision too.

Arkansas Times—Arkansas lawmakers to examine new voter registration signature rule. The Arkansas Board of Election Commissioners is asking state lawmakers to approve an emergency rule that would require would-be voters to sign applications with a pen on paper, barring online options.

MSNBC—The Supreme Court’s decision in Trump’s immunity case could take a sledgehammer to our national security. Imagine a large group of activists assembled outside the White House, peacefully protesting a recent decision by the president. They are waving signs denouncing the new policy, holding banners demanding change and chanting slogans about that president. As their numbers begin to swell, as their voices grow louder, the president issues an order to military commanders: Take them out. Our military leadership would then be faced with an impossible choice. They’d either have to follow the clearly...

Arkansas Times—Lawmakers adopt emergency rule barring electronic signatures for would-be voters. "There is no problem with integrity in voting in Arkansas. We are making up stuff. We're suppressing the vote. That's the bottom line," former state Sen. Joyce Elliott said.