National Telephone Day: Most popular apps in Massachusetts

by— It is National Telephone Day which commemorates the creation of the telephone. Take a look back into how it was invented and where it is today.

National Day Calendar—APRIL 24, 2024 | NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS' DAY | NATIONAL BUCKET LIST DAY | NATIONAL .... APRIL 24, 2024 | NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS' DAY | NATIONAL BUCKET LIST DAY | NATIONAL PIGS-IN-A-BLANKET DAY | STOP FOOD WASTE DAY NATIONAL—National Blueberry Pie Day: Where to get the best pie in western Massachusetts. National Blueberry Pie Day is on April 28th each year and ushers in blueberry pie-making season.—National Prescription Drug Take Back Day events throughout western Massachusetts. It’s National Prescription Take Back Day and communities across the Pioneer Valley are helping residents dispose of unused medications.