NAMI Southern Oregon holds walk for mental health


KOBI-TV NBC5— MEDFORD, Ore. – May is Mental Health Awareness month. In an effort to fight the stigma surrounding mental health in America, NAMI Southern Oregon hosted a day of fun and friendship at Hawthorn Park in Medford on Sunday. NAMI Southern Oregon is the local arm of the non-profit National Alliance of Mental Illness. The NAMI […]

WLNS—Mental Health Monday: Youth discussing mental health. This week on Mental Health Monday, youth are discussing mental health more than ever before.—Mental health is ‘Cinderella’ of health service with investment needed in Western Trust, says MLA. DUP MLA Thomas Buchanan called for greater investment in mental health facilities in the Western Trust area. The West Tyrone MLA said: “Mental health was once branded the Cinderella of the health service. In the Western Health and Social Care Trust area, mental health is still the Cinderella of the health service." The Drumquin-native specifically called for the development of an acute mental health facility in Omagh. "For many years, the community in Omagh and the surrounding areas has been...—Jail staff's mental illness at new high: Prison and probation workers took the equivalent of more than 770 years of mental health sick leave last year, data shows. In the year to March 2024, a record 282,457 working days were lost to the illness in HM Prison and Probation Service.