More cows are being tested and tracked for bird flu. Here's what that means


WCVB— U.S. health and agriculture officials are ramping up testing and tracking of bird flu in dairy cows in an urgent effort to understand and stop the growing outbreak

The Hill—More cows are being tested and tracked for bird flu. Here’s what that means. U.S. health and agriculture officials are ramping up testing and tracking of bird flu in dairy cows in an urgent effort to understand — and stop — the growing outbreak. So far, the risk to humans r

CNN—US government will require more testing, tracking of bird flu in dairy cows. The US Department of Agriculture said Wednesday that it is issuing a federal order to require more testing and reporting of H5N1 influenza, more commonly known as bird flu, in dairy cows. The USDA had previously required reporting of H5N1 influenza in poultry and wild birds, but producers were not required to let the government know if cows tested positive – a factor the USDA admitted had hampered its ability to investigate the spread of the current outbreak in cattle. Since cases were confirmed...

WANE 15—Increased testing for bird flu ordered in cows. The FDA does not think the particles found in the samples would be able to infect people.