Money expert's one simple way you can save $16,000 a year during cost of living crisis

by Daily Mail

Daily Mail— Young Australians struggling with the cost of living are being urged to try this saving trick to save $16,000 a year. But it also involves giving up privacy. So would you do it?

Bangor Daily News—Young Mainers are saving money by living at home, but not everyone can. One of the biggest factors keeping young Mainers put is the skyrocketing home prices and rents of recent years, fueled by historic underproduction of housing.

KTVZ—10 U.S. cities where living with a roommate can save you more than $700 a month. SmartAsset ranked 100 of the largest cities by calculating the amount saved when splitting rent on a two-bedroom apartment versus renting a one-bedroom apartment alone.—Northampton named one of the 50 best places to live in U.S. by The online publication,, recently named Northampton as one of the 50 best places to live in the U.S.