Modder builds a Nintendo Wii the size of a deck of cards

by TechSpot

TechSpot— Modder James "loopj" Smith recently introduced a fully functioning Wii that could easily fit in a shirt pocket. A complete assembly guide is available on GitHub, but it requires advanced motherboard trimming, soldering, and PCB assembly skills, so only experienced users should attempt it.Read Entire Article

Ars Technica—Modder packs an entire Nintendo Wii into a box the size of a pack of cards. There's no disc drive, but there are still ports for GameCube controllers.

Boing Boing—The world’s smallest Nintendo Wii. Short Stack is the world's smallest Nintendo Wii, created using a trimmed motherboard and custom stacked PCBs to replace what was cut. It's the size of a deck of cards, 7.4% the volume of an original Wii console, powered by USB-C, and otherwise the real hardware of Nintendo's 2006 comeback console. — Read the rest—Marvel Snap's new Series 5 card will likely bring 'junk' decks to forefront of meta. Get ready to get clogged up or do the clogging yourself.