Minneapolis smokers to pay some of the highest cigarette prices in U.S. with a $15 per-pack minimum

by The Washington Times

The Washington Times— Smokers in Minneapolis will pay some of the highest cigarette prices in the country after the City Council voted unanimously Thursday to impose a minimum retail price of $15 per pack to promote public health.

WWLP.com—Massachusetts grocery prices rank in top 10 highest across U.S., report. Massachusetts ranks in the top 10 with the largest grocery cost increase in the past 12 months, according to ConsumerAffairs.

RussiaFeed—U.S. foreign policy isolates the U.S.. https://youtu.be/WWi-dhKxLFA

RussiaFeed—The Crucial Role that the ‘Nonprofits’ (‘Charities’ “NGOs”) Owned by U.S. Billionaires, Play in Fomenting ‘Revolutions’ (Coups) Abroad for the U.S.. Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) The way that the U.S. empire expands its control into targeted countries so as to perpetrate coups that formerly the CIA had been doing (such as, most famously, in Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, and Chile 1973 — all of which replaced a democratically elected progressive leader by a fascist dictator […]