Microsoft lightens up on AI with Phi-3 launch

by Mobile World Live

Mobile World Live— Microsoft continued to slim down AI language models, unveiling its third lightweight edition which it stated offers comparable performance to rival products while being suitable for use on mobile phones.

Mashable—Microsoft launches Phi-3 Mini, a tiny AI model that packs a punch. Microsoft researchers have launched Phi-3 Mini a lightweight AI model capable of everyday tasks that can fit on your smartphone.

Neowin—Microsoft unveils Phi-3, its smallest AI model to run on smartphones. Microsoft has introduced an upgraded lineup of small AI models, Phi-3. The family includes Phi-3 Mini with 3.8 billion parameters, Phi-3 Small with 7 billion, and Phi-3 Medium with 14 billion.

Geeky Gadgets—New Phi-3 AI small language models (SLM) released by Microsoft. Microsoft has introduced a new series of language models named Phi-3, which includes the Phi-3-Mini, Phi-3-Small, and Phi-3-Medium. These models are state-of-the-art in their respective weight classes and are designed to be highly efficient and capable, with the Phi-3-Mini being small enough for mobile deployment. The Phi-3-Mini packs an impressive 3.8 billion parameters into a […]