Meet the fund managers: Lessons from 40 years in the investment industry

by @cityam

@cityam— In City A.M.'s weekly series, Elliot Gulliver-Needham sits down with David Coombs, head of multi-asset investments at Rathbones.

CNBC—Meet the private doctor to the wealthy — at $40,000 a year. The rise of family office-style medical practices reflects the surge in wealth and growing demand for hyper-personalized, data-driven health care.

@cityam—Meet the Fund Manager: Stephen Yiu talks Meta, Nvidia and AI boom. In this weekly series, investment reporter Elliot Gulliver-Needham sits down with a fund manager for a Q&A. This week, we’re hearing from Stephen Yiu, manager of the Blue Whale Growth fund.

@cityam—Meet the fund manager: Stephen Yiu on Meta, Nvidia and cashing in on the AI boom. In this weekly series, investment reporter Elliot Gulliver-Needham sits down with a fund manager for a Q&A. This week, we’re hearing from Stephen Yiu, manager of Blue Whale Growth fund.