McDonald Co. HS students prepare thousands of meals for those in need


FOURSTATESHOMEPAGE— MCDONALD COUNTY, Mo. — McDonald County High School students spend their day prepping thousands of meals for those in need. More than 200 students in the F.F.A. and "Jobs for America's Graduates," or JAG, programs help package the meals. Ingredients were measured out and packed by the students. Those meals will then be distributed to []

FOURSTATESHOMEPAGE—McDonald Co. HS students commit to military service in signing ceremony. MCDONALD COUNTY, Mo. — Several McDonald County High School (MCHS) students were surrounded by their loved ones today as they made a commitment to the military. McDonald County Schools celebrated with a signing ceremony today in the high school gymnasium for the five seniors that are enlisting in the military. Stacy Lopez is signing with []

Zero Hedge—"We Need To Splinter The UniParty Into A Thousand Pieces". "We Need To Splinter The UniParty Into A Thousand Pieces" - Stockman Slams Washington's Foreign Aid "Clusterf k" Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog, The UniParty's Day Of Infamy, Part 1 The clusterf ck in the US House of Representatives this past weekend is surely the final straw. The dreadful grip of the UniParty on national security policy has finally produced sheer madness in a single package. To wit: $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that do not...

Los Angeles Times—Column: The crackdown on student protesters shows exactly why we need them. Pro-Palestinian protests continue to spread on American campuses for one simple reason: They are working. You do not have to agree with the protesters' politics and demands — which in most cases involve universities divesting from firms that contribute to the Israeli war effort — or their methods, which include setting up tent encampments on shared spaces, to acknowledge that the demonstrations are doing exactly what student demonstrations almost always do. That is, force this country to face...