Marijuana grow busted in Maine as feds investigate trend in 20 states

by Bangor Daily News

Bangor Daily News— The high electricity consumption of a home, its cardboard-covered windows and odor of marijuana drew law enforcement's attention to an illicit grow operation off the beaten path in rural Maine.

Arkansas Times—Marijuana sales on 4/20 nearly tripled daily average, state says. Medical marijuana patients in Arkansas spent $2.11 million to buy 630 pounds of products on 4/20 this year.

USA Today—Why is 4/20 the unofficial weed day? The history behind April 20 and marijuana. April 20 has become synonymous with marijuana. But how did a random spring day earn this unofficial holiday status? We explain.

Bangor Daily News—How to grow bamboo in Maine. Bamboo can be challenging to grow in Maine’s cold climate and, if not planned and managed properly, could potentially take over your garden.