Major update on blood-soaked horse's condition after running loose in London and smashing into bus

by The Mirror

The Mirror— The British Army has given an update on its horses spotted running through central London this morning, one of which was seen "drenched in blood" and are being cared for

BBC—Horses loose in London latest: Blood on road and smashed vehicles after horses tear through city. Summary. All the runaway military horses that became loose this morning in central London have been caught; Noise from builders near...

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos—Loose horses, 1 soaked in blood, wreak havoc in central London. As many as five horses -- and at least one of them soaked in blood -- have caused chaos across central London on Wednesday morning after breaking free in Westminster.

The London Economic—Taxis smashed and people hospitalised as blood-soaked horses bolt through central London. Military horses have bolted through central London, leaving taxis smashed and four people needing hospital treatment.