• Letters to the Editor: Metro has a safety crisis because America has a poverty crisis. We can fix both

    To the editor: I've lived in the L.A. area since 2007 and have been a champion of public transit. Yet, in the last five years, I've seen the degradation throughout the system as reported in your recent articles on Metro safety. Yes, we have to make our bus drivers and other personnel safe. But we're also dealing with a problem occasioned by our nation's failure to deal with poverty. As more and more people become homeless, drug-addicted, frightened and broken, violence grows. We can't make life...

  • How America’s Military-Industrial Complex Wins All of Its Wars Against America’s Taxpayers

    Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) As has been documented by such authorities on U.S. military spending as Winslow T. Wheeler, Robert Higgs, and others, America spends each year around $1.5 trillion for its military but hides at least around $800 billion of it (so as for the U.S. not to be publicly recognized as spending […]

  • Letter to the editor: In November, take back the U.S.

    Now is the time for the Judeo-Christian community to unite and send a message with our votes that America will no longer tolerate the evil and insanity of the radical political left (“Democrats’ lawlessness knows no bounds,” 2eb, April 21).

  • Letter to the Editor Choice is Clear for U. S. Senate

    Editor, The choice is clear. The decision for the United States Senate comes down to one factor: which candidate is going to secure the border and keep American families safe? Bernie Moreno and President Trump are America First patriots who will secure the border, crack down on cartels, stop the free flow of fentanyl to […]

  • Letter to the Editor: Lessons learned at Utah’s Republican nominating convention

    While attending the Utah State Republican Party Nominating Convention, at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City on April 27, I was disappointed by the behavior I witnessed by an estimated 25% of the room of delegates and those watching. I was disheartened by such a large number in our party that booed our current […]

  • Letter to the editor: U.S., Israel face long war with Iran

    Clifford D. May’s “Khamenei’s war aims: Iranian ruler intends to establish an empire, exterminate Israelis” (web, April 23) is spot on.

  • Letter to the Editor: More is required to solve Southern Utah’s water challenges

    OPINION — The St. George metropolitan area is one of the fastest growing regions in the country. Explosive population growth combined with the impacts of climate change, extended mega-drought and dwindling water supplies mandate that we fully optimize our water management practices, especially here in the dry desert country of Washington County. The Washington County […]

  • Letters to the Editor: People with epilepsy are afraid to talk to their doctors. How California can change that

    To the editor: We at the Epilepsy Foundation Los Angeles were heartbroken to read Paul Karrer's article about his father's death. His story, however, is a tragic outlier. Adults with well-controlled epilepsy are involved in fewer crashes than drivers with many other medical conditions. One study found that a fraction of 1% of all car crashes are caused by a person with epilepsy. People with uncontrolled epilepsy or who are not taking their medication as prescribed should not be driving. People...

  • Letters to the Editor: How Israel can upset Iran's theocrats without death and destruction

    To the editor: One way Israel could respond to Iran's attack is to use long-range drones to deliver masses of leaflets to the people of Tehran. Even if the drones were shot down, the leaflets would still reach their targets. The leaflets, containing whatever words Israel chooses, would also send the message that Tehran is vulnerable to Israel's military might — that Israel could have sent death and destruction but chose not to. The theocrats would be furious, but they would have no rationale for...

  • Letters to the Editor: Critics of U.S. aid to Israel want to stop Netanyahu's recklessness

    To the editor: It's absurd for columnist Jonah Goldberg to dismiss the U.S. critics of additional military aid to Israel as lacking determination. ("For Israel and Ukraine alike, U.S. support is proving unreliable and inadequate," Opinion, April 16) Israel in a calculated manner decided to strike an Iranian diplomatic site in Syria. Israel absolutely knew that Iran would be forced to retaliate. Without even providing foreknowledge of the attack to the U.S., which is helping foot the bill for...

  • Fair to say America isn’t gripped by Liz Trussmania. Here’s what she can learn from Mr Bean

    Our former PM has a dire warning and a book to sell, but it isn’t really cutting through. A bit more Brit-style bumbling might help‘I know the name,” texts a friend when I ask if she knows who Liz Truss is, but like most Americans can’t quite put her finger on why. “Like 8%,” guesses another when I ask her to put a number on how many of her countrymen she imagines know of Truss. The standard response, in my extremely unscientific poll of Americans as to whether or not they know of Truss,...

  • Letters to the Editor: What Mayor Karen Bass can do right now about L.A. City Hall's corruption problem

    To the editor: In addition to the reforms discussed in your April 12 editorial about L.A. City Hall's corruption problem, I've got one more. Mayor Karen Bass, whose election I supported as a donor and volunteer, should henceforth refuse to endorse any City Council member who is under an ethics investigation. This spring, she endorsed Distric 12 incumbent John Lee, despite the fact that he faces 10 ethics charges in the case that sent his predecessor and former boss Mitchell Englander to prison....