Letter: Israel clearly guilty of ethnic cleansing in Gaza

by Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Honolulu Star-Advertiser— In response to Friday’s letter, does the writer have any knowledge of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 written by Lord Balfour (“Genocide is a misnomer when talking about Gaza,” Star-Advertiser, April 19)?

BBC News—Israel-Gaza briefings: Have Iran-Israel missile strikes changed the Middle East?. Political and military leaders are still absorbing the extraordinary exchange of fire, writes James Landale.

BBC News—Israel-Gaza war: Tens of thousands rally for hostage deal as Gaza ceasefire talks continue. Tens of thousands protest in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem ahead of further ceasefire negotiations in Cairo.

The Independent—Israel-Gaza news: Israeli military intelligence chief resigns as ‘mass grave found’ under Gaza hospital. The head of Israel’s military intelligence, Major General Aharon Haliva, announced his resignation this morning