Legislative panel questions corrections board member Alonza Jiles on hiring of outside attorney

by Arkansas Times

Arkansas Times— Republican legislators have devoted three meetings this month to grilling corrections board members over whether they broke the law by hiring an outside attorney.

Arkansas Times—Legislative committee says to disregard corrections board's contract with attorney. Today’s meeting was a continuation of a proxy fight some legislators are waging against the corrections board on behalf of Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Arkansas Times—Conway School Board member's question reveals Collum is only superintendent getting paid to work for CJI. Only one other school superintendent teaches for the Criminal Justice Institute. Unlike Conway's Jeff Collum, that superintendent does not accept pay other than travel expenses, an institute official said.

WWLP.com—Upon review, panel not behind any ballot questions. The next phase in the fight over half a dozen major and pressing policy proposals kicked off with a common feature on Beacon Hill: lawmakers recommending that the Legislature not to take action.