Lake Superior Elementary students remember animals at solstice

by— The fifth graders put wishes on a wish tree.

@morningjournal—Tree planted in memory of Royalview Elementary student. Royalview Elementary School staff and students recently hosted a tree planting ceremony in memory of Camden Hauge, a 10-year-old fourth-grader who died unexpectedly last year. Principal Cyndi Tomassetti described Camden as a delightful student who was always happy, had a great smile daily and enjoyed school with his friends, and his teachers. In addition to […]—Finding freedom, life lessons: How students remember a teacher. Samarveer Singh, an ad-hoc professor at Delhi University’s Hindu College died by suicide a year ago.

The Hub—Elementary students win scholarships in poetry slam competition. Fifth-grade students, representing 33 campuses, had the opportunity to share their hearts through words at a recent districtwide poetry slam competition at Skyline High School. The competition brought students together for the chance to be this year’s poetry slam champions as well as win scholarships. The Reading Language Arts Department partnered with the Roland Parrish [] The post Elementary students win scholarships in poetry slam competition first appeared on The Hub.