Keystone College’s weeklong Earth Day activities


PAHOMEPAGE— LA PLUME, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU)— Millions of people are going to be taking part in celebrations for Earth Day, an annual event demonstrating support for environmental protection. 28/22 News Reporter Sydney Kostus was with one college in Lackawanna County that’s joining in on the fun. Embracing the beauty of nature, it’s something that biology students []

Hindustan Times—World Earth Day 2024: When is Earth Day? Date, theme, history, significance, activities to do, why do we celebrate it. Earth Day 2024: Earth Day is an annual event observed across the globe to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day reminds citizens of the world of the importance of environment conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. The day raises awareness and inspires change, fostering a deep connection with nature.(Also Read | Uttarakhand's Manaskhand Corridor Yatra to begin from April 22 to popularise...

The Oklahoman—Earth Day 2024: Why was Earth Day created, and how to celebrate it this year. For more than 50 years, Americans have united on one day in April to recognize the need to protect the environment and demand accountability...

Pedestrian TV—Here’s Everything That’s Open ANZAC Day If You’re Wondering How To Spend Your Day Off. Anzac Day is an annual public holiday where we commemorate those who lost their lives on April 25 in Gallipoli. On this day, many things are closed for our fallen ANZACS. However, sometimes, folks need last-minute things such as food, drinks and clothing. So we’ve wrangled up all the info on what will be open […]