It’s the Biden IRA Tax Doubling the Cost of Our Medicine, Stupid

by Breitbart

Breitbart— In addition to destroying normal people’s ability to pay for oil, housing, and food, now Democrats have their sights set on medicine.

Vermilion Today—Why is Biden losing? “It’s the economy, stupid”. In the 1992 presidential race, James Carville, the political strategist for Democratic Party nominee Bill Clinton, coined the immortal phrase, “It’s the Economy, Stupid” in response to media questions about the rationale for the campaign. Clinton’s opponent, President George H. W. Bush had won the first Gulf War in 1991 and had enjoyed massive popularity in the aftermath. However, by the following year, voters were distressed about the condition of the economy and fired Bush, replacing him with...

The Center Square—Critics question Biden’s transgender rule that could cost doctors their jobs. (The Center Square) – The Biden administration has issued yet another rule redefining “sex” to fit progressive gender ideology politics, this time in healthcare. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights along with the the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the final rule, which extends a wide swath of legal protections to transgender drugs and surgeries and in turn opens the door to sue those healthcare providers and insurers who do...

NewsBusters—Politico’s J-Mart Laments: ‘If The Election’s About Biden, Trump’s Gonna Win’. Behold the latest installment of media types fretting over the current course of the presidential election. In this instance, Politico Senior Political Columnist Jonathan Martin lamenting that the current trajectory of the election, a referendum on President Joe Biden, augurs the reelection of former President Donald Trump on this week’s installment of ABC This Week. Watch as J-Mart and host Jon Karl discuss the election’s current trajectory, as aired on ABC This Week on Sunday, April 21st,...