It really IS harder to say no to cake when you're fat, finds study of obese volunteers' brains

by— Experts in Canada have discovered that people with a higher BMI really do require a bigger shift in brain activity to choose healthy food over their preferred snack.

Los Angeles Times—Opinion: Does social media rewire kids' brains? Here's what the science really says. America’s young people face a mental health crisis, and adults constantly debate how much to blame phones and social media. A new round of conversation has been spurred by Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Anxious Generation,” which contends that rising mental health issues in children and adolescents are the result of social media replacing key experiences during formative years of brain development. The book has been criticized by academics, and rightfully so. Haidt’s argument is based largely on...—Feeling sluggish as you get older? That's because it really DOES require more effort to move, study finds. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, say they have discovered why we get slower as we age. They measured reaction times and how much energy tasks took to complete.

KTVZ—New study finds that brain structure changes cyclically throughout the menstrual cycle. Guava Health reports on a study that focuses on the relationship between hormonal health and brain structure.