It happened today - this day in history - April 22

by Yellow Advertiser

Yellow Advertiser— 1370: Building begins on the Bastille in Paris. 1500: Pedro Alvares Cabral is the first European to discover Brazil and claims it for...

Yellow Advertiser—It happened today - this day in history - April 28. 1202: King Philip II expels King John of England from France. 1770: Captain James Cook lands at Botany Bay, Australia.

Yellow Advertiser—It happened today - this day in history - April 24. 1184BC: The Greeks enter Troy using the Trojan Horse. 1731: Death of novelist Daniel Defoe. 1793: French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat is...

Yellow Advertiser—It happened today - this day in history - April 20. 1611: First known performance of Shakespeare's “Macbeth” at the Globe Theatre, London. 1657: Battle in Santa Cruz Bay, Tenerife: The English...