How women led the activism that created the Superfund program

by Houston Public Media

Houston Public Media— A new PBS documentary called "Poisoned Ground" tells their story. And a local activist shares how the actions of women across the country more than 40 years ago paved the way for her fight to clean up contaminated sites in Greater Houston.—UWS hires Simon to take over women's hockey program. Simon has worked as an assistant coach at Elmira College in New York and with a Gentry Academy program that played in two MSHSL state girls hockey tournaments.

TheBlaze—Biden’s bend to trans activism leaves women’s sports in turmoil. Over the past year, I’ve had numerous conversations with people, including family members, who believe the whole transgender issue is a big old nothing-burger. They say it’s just another political football used to score points with the right to drum up rage and, ultimately, votes. I wish that were true. In its never-ending genuflection to extreme activists, the Biden administration continues to undo years of women’s rights efforts with the single stroke of a pen. Late last week, Biden, in...

Black Enterprise—Arkansas State University Alum Initiates Entrepreneurship Program ‘Over-A-Cup’ For Black Women. Over-A-Cup offers Black women a safe space to discuss business future plans over a cup of coffee, teaching what has "not been taught."