How to protect yourself and pets from ticks in Saskatchewan

by— "The most important thing is to do a tick check when you get home," says Iga Stasiak, a wildlife health specialist with the Government of Saskatchewan.

MYTWINTIERS—How to prevent your pets from getting ticks & fleas. MONTOUR FALLS, N.Y. (WETM) - With the warmer weather moving back into our area; it's important to get your pets treated for ticks and fleas. “Year round flea and tick prevention is really important,” said Executive Director of the Humane Society of Schuyler County Georgie Taylor. Fleas and ticks live all around us. In places []

FOX 8 Cleveland—What happens to your pet after you die? Take these steps to protect them. While most people make a will that directs what should happened with their car, television and home, many forget to make arrangements for their beloved pets.

Bangor Daily News—Use this duct tape trick to protect yourself from tick bites. It looks silly, sure. But it's better than getting Lyme disease.