How cloud seeding can make it rain or prevent extreme weather

by CBC

CBC— Cloud seeding has been named by some media reports as a possible contributor to record-setting rain and flooding in Dubai, U.A.E. Here's a closer look at what cloud seeding is, how it's used and whether it could have made the flooding worse.

Diario AS—What is cloud seeding? Did cloud seeding make the Dubai flooding worse?. The UAE has been using cloud seeding since the 1990s to increase rainfall. Some are wondering if it is behind the historic flooding that hit Dubai.

The Weather Channel—Cloud Seeding To Blame? Year Of Rain Hits Desert In 4 Days - Videos from The Weather Channel. The United Arab Emirates is one of the first countries to use cloud seeding technology in the Arabian Gulf region. As some parts of the desert region see a year of rainfall in a matter of days, some people are wondering if the rain-stimulating technology is to blame. - Videos from The Weather Channel |

The Philippine Star—Cloud seeding or rain dance?. The effects of El Niño phenomenon, or the long dry spell in our country continue to wreak havoc in our normal daily living. Our neighboring countries Thailand and Bangladesh are likewise not spared from this climate change phenomenon. In the particular situation of the Philippines, the prolonged dry period is precariously affecting both our food and energy security.