His dad gave him water on way to winning O.C. Marathon. He got disqualified for drinking it

by Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times— A father sees that his son is thirsty. Very, very thirsty. So he hands a bottle of water to his grateful offspring, who takes a slug. Is that so wrong? Well, yes, it is a rules violation during a marathon, and it resulted in Esteban Prado being disqualified Sunday as the winner of the Orange County Marathon. Prado led for most of the 26.2-mile course and finished in 2 hours, 24 minutes, 54 seconds. It's called unauthorized assistance in marathon lingo — runners can only get water at official...

SFGate—California marathon winner disqualified because his dad gave him water. Apparently, marathons are the one time parents need to be careful about encouraging their children to hydrate. Unfortunately, no one told would-be marathon winner Esteban Prado or his father. Prado finished first at the Hoag OC marathon in Southern California last Saturday but was disqualified because he accepted water from his father along the racecourse. “During yesterday's Hoag OC Marathon, we were forced to disqualify a participant after it was confirmed they received unauthorized...

ABC News—Marathon winner disqualified after taking water from his dad in race: 'I know I won'. Esteban Prado led for almost all of the 2 hours, 24 minutes and 54 seconds that he was on the 26.2 mile course of the Orange County Marathon in southern California.

ABC7 Los Angeles—OC Marathon men's winner disqualified for taking water from family during race. A 24-year-old from Fountain Valley was disqualified as the men's winner of Sunday's OC Marathon for taking water from a family member during the race.