Here We Go Again... Marjorie Wants Her MTV. Meanwhile, I Want Money for Something...

by Daily Kos

Daily Kos— It seemed for a while that House troll Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was alone in wanting her motion to vacate (MTV). While Speaker in Name Only Mike Johnson was okay when it was only Marjorie calling

Raw Story—Hush money jury composition shows things aren't 'going to go well for Trump': legal expert. Former President Donald Trump has drawn a difficult jury to defend against, former prosecutor Kristy Greenberg argued to MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Friday evening. "Let's talk about the jury, because we now have 12 jurors and six alternates," said Hayes. "What is your impression — what are your thoughts on how this jury has come together, what the composition looks like?""Well, you have two lawyers on this jury," said Greenberg. "Then you have in addition, three individuals who say close family...

KTSA—Dave Says: Where’s the Money Going?. Dear Dave, I have a roommate, and we’ve shared the same two-bedroom apartment for about three years

MIT Technology Review—“I wanted to work on something that didn’t exist”. In 2017 Polina Anikeeva, PhD ’09, was invited to a conference in the Netherlands to give a talk about magnetic technologies that she and her team had developed at MIT and how they might be used for deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson’s disease. After sitting through a long day of lectures, she was struck…