Hawaii tourism impact fee appears dead, expected to be retooled

by Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Honolulu Star-Advertiser— An effort to increase the state hotel tax by $25 to offset the impact of visitors on the environment and climate change has stalled this legislative session but the concept of a “green fee” remains alive and will likely return with a new funding plan next session.

Mississippi Today—Marshall Ramsey: Dead Dead Dead. As a nonprofit newsroom,

Honolulu Star-Advertiser—Regenerative tourism draws groups to Hawaii. Members of the American Association of Geographers, who were in Honolulu for their 2024 annual meeting, volunteered Sunday during an ocean and beach park cleanup at Magic Island where tons of trash were removed from the polluted peninsula and ocean.

New York Post—Islanders need to begin retooling if this series ends as expected. The Islanders’ reaction to what is likely to be a third straight season of failing to get past the first round will tell how serious they really are.