Governor Cooper Presents Budget that Raises Teacher Pay And Secures Child Care

by WCCB Charlotte

WCCB Charlotte— Gov. Cooper proposes historic investments in public education, workforce, economic development and protecting natural resources while cutting taxes for working families—What convinces voters to raise taxes: child care. NEW ORLEANS — Last summer, Derrika Richard felt stuck. She didn’t have enough money to afford child care for her three youngest children, ages 1, 2 and 3. Yet the demands of caring for them on a daily basis made it impossible for Richard, who cuts and styles hair from her home, to work. One […]

WCCB Charlotte—NCAE Statement On Governor Cooper's Proposed Budget. "Governor Cooper’s proposed budget makes it clear that he shares that commitment to provide every child with a high-quality education, an excellent teacher, and a well-funded school."—Our child care system gives many moms a draconian choice: Quality child care or a career. AUBURN, Wash. – After a series of low-paying jobs, Nicole Slemp finally landed one she loved. She was a secretary for Washington’s child services department, a job that came with her own cubicle, and she had a knack for working with families in difficult situations. Slemp expected to return to work after having her son […]