Georgia’s Tybee Island Working To Prevent Black College Student’s Annual Beach Party

by Black Enterprise

Black Enterprise— Black college students expecting to attend the annual beach party on Georgia's Tybee Island this weekend will be in for a rude awakening.—Georgia cops and volunteers clean up Tybee Island beach after raucous spring break partying during the Orange Crush event. Tybee Island lifeguards and partiers helped pick up trash left after Orange Crush. The annual event inflicted an estimated $220,000 of costs on the small town. The massive clean up began on Sunday and had to continue into Monday

WJCL—'Everything is much more organized': Unpermitted beach party returns to Tybee Island. The unpermitted spring break party, formerly known as Orange Crush, returned to Tybee Island on Saturday. Despite the controversial Orange...

KTVZ—A Georgia beach aims to disrupt Black students' spring bash after big crowds brought chaos in 2023. By RUSS BYNUM Associated Press TYBEE ISLAND, Ga. (AP) — Thousands of Black college students expected this weekend for an annual spring bash at Georgia’s largest public beach shouldn’t expect a warm welcome. Tybee Island’s city leaders are bringing in dozens of extra police officers and using barricades to block parking lots and residential streets