Former Jan. 6 panel chair touts bill targeting Secret Service protection for felons


MSNBC— Rep. Bennie Thompson joins The Weekend to unpack his new bill that would strip Secret Service protection for anyone sentenced to prison for a felony.

Zero Hedge—Jan 6 Committee Chair Offers Bill To End Secret Service Protection For Convicted Felons. Jan 6 Committee Chair Offers Bill To End Secret Service Protection For Convicted Felons In a move aimed at Donald Trump, House Democrats have introduced a bill that would remove Secret Service protection for any former executive sentenced to prison for a federal or state felony. The bill comes from Democratic Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, who, in a fitting Deep State overlap, is not only the former Jan. 6 committee chairman but also the ranking member of the Homeland...

Black Enterprise—Rep. Bennie Thompson Introduces Bill–Aimed At Trump–To Strip Secret Service From Felons. Thompson’s bill, the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act, (H.R. 8081) is seen as an attempt to reckon with the possibility of former President Trump serving a prison sentence.

The Independent—Trump admits he told Secret Service to take him to Capitol on Jan 6 in rambling campaign rally. ‘It’s not my deal. I’m a lover, not a fighter,’ Mr Trump told a crowd of supporters in Wisconsin about his actions on January 6