Fairmont Senior student gets full ride to play Division-I lacrosse


WBOY— Fairmont Senior High School Lacrosse player Liz Amos has signed to continue her athletic career at Youngstown State University.

The Daily Iowan—Students protest RVAP closure at UI Division of Student Life office sit-in. University of Iowa students filtered through the hallways on the second floor of the Iowa Memorial Union Wednesday for a sit-in following the university’s decision to dissolve the Rape Victim Advocacy Program and transition it to the Domestic Violence Intervention Program. The several dozen students who participated in the sit-in called for the program to

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Moz—Carving a Career in SEO — How NOT to Get Taken for a Ride. Learn how to not get taken for a ride when starting your career in SEO. Jo writes about her experience working client-side, in an agency, and freelancing.