Exploring the Tradition: Why Do We Reserve Specific Outfits for the Church?

by The Daily Iowan

The Daily Iowan— Sorting through a wardrobe recently revealed a distinct category labelled “church clothes,” highlighting a tradition of specialised attire for different activities that dates back to the 1960s. This practice raises questions about the enduring role of dress in religious settings. Debates and Historical Context Online forums and scholarly discussions show robust debates on the appropriateness

Euro Weekly News—Sweet memories: Exploring Pinoso’s pastry tradition. Gastronomy holds a special place in Pinoso’s identity, with its homemade pastries standing out as a cultural hallmark. To honour those who have preserved this culinary tradition, the Department of Heritage presents the exhibition ‘Do we make pastries?’ at Font del Cànter. This exhibit traces the evolution of pastry-making over time, featuring vintage photographs, moulds, […]

PJ Media—What's Old Is New as the Catholic Church Undergoes a Recognizable Shift Toward Tradition. The Catholic Church is undergoing a transformation in many parts of the United States. Many Catholics, unsettled by the changes wrought by Vatican II 50 years ago and more recent ideologies like "liberation theology," crave the familiar orthodoxy that Catholics found comfort in for hundreds of years and had largely been abandoned by the more hip, the more liberal Catholic Church of recent decades.

Reading Eagle—Reading church to hold traditional German Maifest service [Religion Digest. A listing of events happening at churches in and around Berks County.