Expert points out need for fluoride in city water

by The Daily World

The Daily World— Aberdeen City Council invited a registered dental hygienist (RDH) in order to explain why fluoride is important for city water.

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health—Climate change need not mean more dengue cases if cities are built better: Experts. As dengue cases continue to rise, projections indicate that the Aedes mosquito may potentially impact 60% of the global population by 2080.

Romper—For The Water Bottle Haters; How Much Water Does Your Kid Actually Need?. In a world that's obsessed with being hydrated, do we worry too much about how much water our kids are drinking? Experts say it's good to monitor, actually.

Fast Company—Mexico water wars: Farmers take over avocado orchards that need too much water. As a drought in Mexico drags on, angry subsistence farmers have begun taking direct action on thirsty avocado orchards and berry fields of commercial farms that are drying up streams in the mountains west of Mexico City. Rivers and even whole lakes are disappearing in the once green and lush state of Michoacán, as the drought combines with a surge in the use of water for the country’s lucrative export crops, led by avocados. In recent days, subsistence farmers and activists from the...