• ZDNet

    Do employers want AI skills or AI-enhanced skills? That could depend on you

    The AI age is creating some interesting new job roles for technology-focused individuals, but don't throw out those tried-and-true coding and integration skills just yet. Rather, AI may make what is considered "traditional" technology activities move faster and more productively. AI is at the core of many evolving technology roles, of course. Also: Tech giants hatch a plan for AI job losses: Reskill 95 million in 10 years"Currently, we are seeing a high demand for AI-focused roles," says Yusuf...

  • Embedding AI into education will personalize learning

    Today’s education system is driven by rules and standardization, too often ignoring the specific needs of individual learners, particularly those already facing disadvantages. AI can change that.  AI can be the catalyst we need to finally bridge the digital divide and uplift all students. AI can redefine education, creating personalized, dynamic learning pathways that are attuned to each learner’s needs. With AI, each student can proceed at their own pace, with AI adjusting to a real-time...

  • Educators are leading the way in AI and visual communication

    As visual communication becomes the norm in the workplace and artificial intelligence (AI) turns from a nice-to-have tool to a necessity and expectation, it’s clear that our classrooms need to adjust—and we all know that change isn’t easy. The encouraging news is that educators are up for the challenge. As they recognize the benefits of integrating visual communication and AI into education—enhancing student learning, improving teaching experiences, and reducing administrative burdens—there is...

  • Google Invests in AI Education as it Unleashes ‘Secret Weapon’

    Google just announced a massive investment in training Americans to use its biased and anti-free speech artificial intelligence. Big Tech giant Google proudly declared its AI education investment in an April 26 release. Beneficiaries of these funds include the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and Goodwill, which are each expected to train American military members, veterans and civilians in AI skills. The problem? Google’s AI and search engine both have a track record of...

  • Google Invests in AI Education as it Unleashes ‘Secret Weapon’

    Google just announced a massive investment in training Americans to use its biased and anti-free speech artificial intelligence. Big Tech giant Google proudly declared its AI education investment in an April 26 release. Beneficiaries of these funds include the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and Goodwill, which are each expected to train American military members, veterans and civilians in AI skills. The problem? Google’s AI and search engine both have a track record of...

  • Enhancing sweet potato quality analysis with hyperspectral imaging and AI

    Sweet potatoes are a popular food choice for consumers worldwide because of their delicious taste and nutritious quality. The red, tuberous root vegetable can be processed into chips and fries, and it has a range of industrial applications, including textiles, biodegradable polymers, and biofuels.

    • CNET

    Google Launches AI Education Course Along With $75 Million in Grants

    A Google program will provide AI skills training and funds to underserved communities, schools and small businesses.

  • Adobe Photoshop and Firefly receive new AI enhancements, hilarity ensues

    Adobe's new AI-based foundation model, Firefly Image 3, is now in beta. Available in Photoshop and the Firefly web app, the update enhances the performance of the company's generative AI tools and introduces new methods for creating and editing images.Read Entire Article

  • How to build an AI chatbot in just 5 minutes using Vector Shift

    AI chatbots have become an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals alike. They streamline customer service, automate routine tasks, and provide a seamless user experience. However, the thought of building an AI chatbot from scratch can be daunting, especially for those without extensive coding knowledge. This is where Vector Shift comes in, offering a user-friendly […]

  • As cloud computing evolves, Amazon's AWS looks for its role in generative AI

    One of the intriguing aspects of the generative AI phenomenon is the vast range of vendors that are offering solutions to leverage the new technology. Companies eager to deploy GenAI face a complex landscape filled with foundation model suppliers, AI platform companies, data management vendors, and model customization tool providers.Read Entire Article

  • AI tool creates 'synthetic' images of cells for enhanced microscopy analysis

    Observing individual cells through microscopes can reveal a range of important cell biological phenomena that frequently play a role in human diseases, but the process of distinguishing single cells from each other and their background is extremely time-consuming—and a task that is well-suited for AI assistance.

  • Yelp unveils AI Assistant and upgrades platform to enhance user and business connections

    Yelp yesterday announced its Spring Product Release. This update introduces a suite of new features designed to improve user experience and streamline connections between consumers and service professionals.