European election poll shows NCP in the lead

by Yle Uutiset

Yle Uutiset— Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's National Coalition Party (NCP) and the opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP) could each gain a seat in the European Parliament.

Yle Uutiset—European election poll: SPP could lose sole MEP. The Swedish People's Party has had an MEP since Finland's first European election in 1996.—EU elections: Christian Democrats lead the polls in Germany. Centre-right CDU/CSU in Germany leads the voting intentions, as the far right gets an electoral boost. The AfD overtakes the Social Democrats, according to the Euronews Poll Centre. #EuropeNews

The Washington Times—Voters are losing interest in November election, poll shows. More voters say they are losing interest in the November election, according to a new poll.