Environment minister proposes cutting trees to stop "hiding" bears

by spectator.sme.sk

spectator.sme.sk— Amendment to allow killing of bears to be discussed in parliament.

Skillet—How to Stop Wood From Splintering When You Cut It. If the edge of your board gets splintered while you’re cutting, you’re dealing with one of the most common problems for woodworkers: tearout. This can be caused by using the wrong type of saw blade, a dull blade, or from improperly positioned lumber. If you're doing everything right, though, here are some other methods you can try to prevent splintering.

@sbsun—Two charged with cutting down famous tree in England. Daniel Graham and Adam Carruthers were arrested in October and released on bail. It took authorities more than six months to bring charges against them.

San Bernardino Sun—Two charged with cutting down famous tree in England. Daniel Graham and Adam Carruthers were arrested in October and released on bail. It took authorities more than six months to bring charges against them.