Energy assistance available for low-income older adults in Jefferson Parish


WGNO— Senior Jefferson Parish residents have the chance to access utility assistance through an outreach event in Kenner.

KHON2—Affordable, resilient energy coming to low-income households, disadvantaged communities. “We look forward to continuing this important work of delivering clean energy to our communities and improving the quality of life for our residents in perpetuity,” said Green.

KTVZ—EPA's 'Solar for All' program awards $86 million to Oregon Dept. of Energy to bring solar to low-income households. SEATTLE (KTVZ) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday that the Oregon Department of Energy has been selected to receive $86.6 million through the Solar for All grant competition to develop long-lasting solar programs that enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from distributed residential solar. This award is part of the

Main Line Media News—Osteoarthritis: risk factors and care for older adults. Arthritis is not a single disease, but rather a term that covers over 100 different conditions.