Elmira to hold downtown clean-up event


MYTWINTIERS— ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) -- Elmira Downtown Development (EDD) and the Elmira Kiwanis Club are coming together to host a downtown clean-up. The community is invited to Wisner Park from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on May 11 to help clean litter from the area. EDD and the Kiwanis Club will provide gloves, rakes, brooms, dust []

MYHIGHPLAINS—Keep Amarillo Clean hosts Earth Day 2024 clean-up event. Keep Amarillo Clean announced that it will host volunteers on Monday during the 12 p.m. - 12:45 lunch hour to clean up certain areas around the city amid its effort to "Keep America Beautiful" during the month of April.

WKBN.com—JobsNOW: Youngstown Works to hold hiring event. Youngstown Works has another hiring event planned for Wednesday.

The Monitor—VA to hold McAllen enrollment event for new law. A new law makes all veterans exposed to toxins or other hazards while serving the country at home or abroad — including all veterans who served in Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other combat zone after Sept. 11, 2001 — now eligible for VA health care.