Elmira approves “Fight on Blight” resolution for worst landlords & zombie homes


MYTWINTIERS— ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) - In a 5 to 1 vote, the Elmira City Council approved a "Fight on Blight" housing resolution on Monday night. The three-step plan includes publishing a monthly list identifying the city's worst landlords who fail to address code violations, strengthening efforts to put abandoned "zombie homes" back on the market, and []

MYTWINTIERS—Elmira landlords respond to city’s new monthly “worst landlords” list. ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) - A new resolution by the Elmira City Council to publish a monthly list of "worst" landlords is being met with some concerns from landlords. Some say the resolution is unnecessary and sends the wrong message. "First of all, I want to make sure everybody knows that I'm not against tenants, I []

WWLP.com—How zombie abortion bills are influencing 2024 fight. Archaic pieces of legislation are coming back to life as the fight over abortion access rages across the country ahead of the 2024 election.

n.pr—Ecuadorians vote in referendum to approve toughening fight against gangs. Ecuador's president got a resounding victory Sunday in a referendum that he touted as a way to crack down on criminal gangs behind a spiraling wave of violence.