Elevance Health Reports $2.2 Billion Profit Despite Drop In Medicaid Enrollment

by Forbes

Forbes— Elevance Health reported a first quarter profit of $2.2 billion as commercial health insurance and healthcare services offset a big decrease in Medicaid enrollment.

TrainsMag.com—Union Pacific profits improve despite drop in coal traffic. OMAHA Neb. — Union Pacific’s first-quarter profits rose despite flat revenue and lower freight volume. “We are pleased to be able to report earnings growth in a tough environment,” CEO Jim Vena told investors and analysts on the railroad’s earnings call this morning. Operating income rose 3%, to $2.3 billion, on flat revenue of $6 []Read More

The Cerbat Gem—Arbitrum (ARB) Self Reported Market Cap Achieves $2.94 Billion. Arbitrum (ARB) traded down 1.1% against the U.S. dollar during the one day period ending at 17:00 PM ET on April 25th. Arbitrum has a total market cap of $2.94 billion and $273.31 million worth of Arbitrum was traded on exchanges in the last day. One Arbitrum token can now be purchased for approximately $1.11 […]

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