Electrical grid transformers could be more efficient with different steel. Here’s the challenge.

by @Marketplace

@Marketplace— Last year, the Department of Energy proposed using amorphous steel. But some electricity providers, power companies and steel plants objected.

WTRF—U.S. Senators call for investigation into U.S. Steel’s sale to Japanese company. WEIRTON, W.Va. (WTRF) -- In December, the Pittsburgh-based steel company U.S. Steel agreed to sell the company to Japan’s largest steel manufacturer, Nippon Steel. Now, two U.S. Senators are calling on President Biden to look deeper into this sale and the effects it could have on the country. Just months after U.S. Steel agreed to []

LASVEGASNOW—What’s Cool At School? – The Library District’s “Summer Challenge”. LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) - With less than a month of classes left in the school year, the Las Vegas Clark County Library District has all kinds of ways to keep the reading and the fun going strong. The District calls their “Summer Challenge” a reading and activities program for kids, teens, and adults! []

Japan Today—Nippon Steel delays closing of acquisition of U.S. Steel until late this year. Nippon Steel Corp said Friday it has postponed the expected closing of its $14.1 billion takeover of U.S. Steel by three months after the U.S. Department of Justice requested more documentation related to the deal. Nippon Steel said the deal, already approved by U.S. Steel's shareholders, is still expected to