Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Game Review

by Anime News Network

Anime News Network— People might think of this game as a celebration of the energy and experimentation of RPGs past, a tribute to a time when archetypes and genre conventions hadn't yet calcified and anything was fair game. And for once, they'd be right.

The Escapist—PSA: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Has a Game-Breaking Recruitment Bug. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has a game-breaking bug that locks you out of recruiting a certain hero to the Watch.

Rappler—'Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' review: Nostalgia that could've used a modern touch-up. The game remains a genuine time capsule, capturing the essence of the Suikoden series before it despite the title change

The Escapist—Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ Game-Breaking Recruitment Bug to Be Fixed in Upcoming Patch. Rabbit and Bear Studios have just stated that the game-breaking recruitment bug for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will be fixed soon.