Edmonton councillors speak out against Bill 20 proposal


CHCH— Hamilton, Halton, Niagara and area news from CHCH - Hamilton, Halton, and Niagara news.. The government of Alberta announced sweeping changes to legislation regulating municipal government and elections. It would formally introduce political parties at the local level and give the province more power to overrule bylaws and remove elected councillors. Alberta’s minister of municipal affairs says the changes are meant to improve accountability and trust in elections, but […]

Dawn—Bill proposed for increasing minimum age for girl marriage. MPA and CPWB chairperson writes to Punjab home secretary, seeking support for legislation to raise minimum age to 18 years.

KLFY—Proposed bill would increase driver’s license fees in Louisiana. HB447 states drivers who apply for a new license or renew the current one would see an increase in the fees by about $6 per license.

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos—No cuts: Proposed bill could change skipping the security line at the airport. A proposed California bill, SB 1372, would ban CLEAR and third-party expedited security services from expanding without the use of a dedicated lane.