Dog 'Spotted' In The Middle of The Road Suddenly Lifted Her Head

by— Dog was sleeping in the middle of the road. Rescuers finally spotted her and suddenly lifts her head and that was when a miracle happened.

TechRadar—Ruh-roh, Boston Dynamics Spot put a dog costume on Spot and it's downright adorable. Boston Dynamic Spot robot plays dress up with a new costume that's a bit too real—Dog Groomer Opened Shop In The 'Middle-Of-Night' To Give Stray Dog Haircut & Found 'Beauty' Beneath Matted Fur. While driving on a highway in the Oviedo region of Florida, a couple’s routine journey took a sudden turn when they noticed a dog wandering perilously close to the busy road. The dog appeared disoriented and unaware of the dangers posed by the fast-moving traffic, prompting immediate concern from the couple about its safety. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the couple quickly decided to pull over. Driven by a deep sense of responsibility and compassion, they were determined to

KGBT—Alligator spotted off road in Rio Hondo. RIO HONDO, Texas (ValleyCentral) — An alligator was spotted off Vasquez Road between Rio Hondo and San Benito on Thursday. Cameron County Irrigation District 2 officials alerted the public to stay off the canals for the time being. Alligators are native to the Valley and are common around the resacas. “Actually one of our farmers []