Does Medicare cover physical therapy? Yes, and you might be eligible for more services, too

by Fortune

Fortune— Medicare provides coverage to manage a chronic condition, treat an injury or illness, or to ensure you can maintain your independence.

NewsBusters—The Left Needs Therapy & After This, You Might Too. Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. This week, we took a look at how much of the left would likely benefit from professional counseling just not from the individual in the first clip where the user explained how he was a transgender lesbian who is also, somehow, a therapist. I would not recommend hiring him to learn how to think...

NewsBusters—The Left Needs Therapy & After This, You Might Too. Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. This week, we took a look at how much of the left would likely benefit from professional counseling just not from the individual in the first clip where the user explained how he was a transgender lesbian who is also, somehow, a therapist. I would not recommend hiring him to learn how to think...

BroBible—Wally The Therapy Alligator Might Be Lost Forever After Being Dumped In A Swamp. Wally, a beloved therapy alligator who stole the hearts of many across the country a year ago, may never see his owner again after a prank gone wrong. Many of you will remember Wally from the time he got denied access to a Philadelphia Phillies game or the time he became best friends with Flyers […]