Dear roommate, from a graduating senior

by Stanford Daily

Stanford Daily— As a graduating senior, Emma Wang rewrites her "Dear roommate" essay — one of the required prompts for the application to Stanford.

Washington Post—College seniors face uncertain graduation ceremonies amid protests - The Washington Post. Many graduating seniors are mourning how a rite of passage is being threatened by campus unrest over international events beyond their control.—Annual pasta dinner fundraiser in honor of late marine benefits graduating Ludlow High seniors. On Friday night, a pasta dinner in honor of a late marine raised money for a scholarship fund to benefit graduating seniors at Ludlow High School.

The Independent—Graduating seniors blame USC for ruining end of college with ‘military’ crackdown on pro-Palestine campus protests. The university in Los Angeles has seen protests dispersed by police with riot gear and rubber bullets. Students tell Mike Bedigan the final few weeks of academia have been forever tainted by the violence