DCS officials speak out about energy management plan controversy, removal of appliances from classrooms


DOTHANFIRST— DOTHAN, Ala. (WDHN) — A recent post made by a former Dothan City Schools employee, Julie Mullins-Turner, has stirred up thick smoke over Dothan City Schools about teachers being robbed by central office staff of their appliances in their classrooms. "I understand there is chatter on social media and we try not to chase everything []

WLNS—Green energy plan includes fossil fuels, sparks controversy. The Lansing Board of Water and Light continues to push for more clean energy. Officials say it will help attract high tech businesses like battery and micro-chip manufacturing.

Boing Boing—The Karen Speaker Manager guitar pedal will give you a new tone to speak to the manager with. The Special Cranker pedal from Earthquaker Devices is the secret weapon to my guitar tone—an "transparent" overdrive pedal that really makes it sound like someone just cranked your amp to 11 (no matter how loud you're actually playing). In fact, the circuit was originally used in an even simpler pedal called the Speaker Cranker. — Read the rest

Global News—Canada’s dental plan has officially kicked in. Who is eligible?. More than 1,200 seniors have already visited a dentist and had their claims processed by the federal government's new dental care plan, the Liberals announced Wednesday.