Dave Says: Which Comes First?


KTSA— Dear Dave, My wife and I have three young daughters. Is there a Baby Step for weddings

www.fightful.com—Fallon Henley Says She Comes First From Now On, Beats Kelani Jordan On 5/7 WWE NXT. Fallon Henley comes first from now on. After spontaneously turning heel on Thea Hail on April 30, Fallon Henley is trading friendship for fierceness moving forward. In a backstage segment on May 7, Henley got into it with her former friend Kelani Jordan when explaining that from now on she's living by the motto "Fallon Comes First." She would later put this to the test when defeating Jordan in the middle of the Ring by utilizing an exposed turnbuckle. STATEMENT. MADE. @FallonHenleyWWE picks...

iHeartDogs.com—Woman Says "Hey" To Puppy When He Comes Over, And He Says It Back. Dogs and, of course, puppies never fail to make us smile and warm our hearts. It’s no wonder 65 million American households have a dog. According to the CDC, “There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.” We absolutely LOVE being owned...

Variety—Tom Selleck Hopes ‘CBS Will Come to Their Senses’ and Un-Cancel ‘Blue Bloods,’ Says ‘All the Cast Wants to Come Back’. Tom Selleck isn’t ready to bid farewell to “Blue Bloods” yet. In an interview with CBS News, Selleck said he still believes that “CBS will come to their senses” and reverse its decision to end the police procedural with Season 14. “We’re the third-highest scripted show in all of broadcast. We’re winning the night,” Selleck […]